Whether it's Day Boarding or Overnight, you can be away knowing your dogs are SAFE.
Availability is limited to 6 dogs.
We choose quality over quantity.
We always do a compatibility meet and greet so you always feel comfortable.
Dog reactivity welcomed.
We take safety seriously.
Dogs need to be comfortably crate trained.
Drop off hours 7:30am - 9:30am. Pick up by 6:00pm.
Monday-Friday Drop off/pick up window: 7:30am - 10am and 4;30pm to 6pm unless other times are arranged in advance.
Weekend Drop off/pick up window: 7:30am - 10am and 4:30pm to 6 pm unless other times are arranged in advance.
If unable to pick up/drop off within window times, please text/call to make a scheduled time.
The hours of 10am to 4pm are uninterrupted working hours dedicated to training and day boarding.
New Year’s Day, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day weekend (Friday-Monday), July 4th, Labor Day weekend (Friday-Monday), Thanksgiving Day + Black Friday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day.
*Requirements: Dogs must be comfortably crate trained, human friendly and females must be spayed OR have an emergency pick up for dogs going into heat. Intact males welcomed.